Release notes: Version 1.0.1

A small summary of the changes made in version 1.0.1

Published on: December 10, 2024

Welcome to version 1.0.1

Since the release of RocketFlag last week, I wanted to share that the response has been really great. A lot of people have said such nice things and have been sharing the love around on socials. To those I say: “Thank you!”. It’s really nice to see and I am forever grateful for your support.

Firstly, thank you to those also who have been trying it out and giving me that wonderful, much needed feedback. It helps make the product better for everyone!

Now, onto the good stuff!

What’s new?

The TL;DR is the following:

  • add feedback button, with ability to express feeling/sentiment towards the product
  • added code samples for other languages in docs
  • added the copy flag id button in the flags table
  • added a sample js code snippet
  • added link to see more info in the docs on view flag modal for usage

Want or need more info? I’ll go into each point below.


This is a patch release, and I’ll be using semantic versioning standard which I am going to try and follow. Patches dictate: backward compatible changes such as bugfixes.

In this instance, no bugs were found, but I have added a number of small docs-style updates. Here we go:

  • add feedback button, with ability to express feeling/sentiment towards the product.

    • basically - let me know what you think - any time! I want to hear it!
    • you can find the button to give feedback at the top right of the console.
screenshot of the feedback modal
  • added code samples for other languages in docs

    • this one came through a couple of times, people want to know how to consume the API in other languages.
    • thanks so much to those who gave this feedback, I have now updated the docs and you can see how to use the API in other languages easily.
    • here’s a sample, and you can find the live version at the docs
screenshot of various code samples
  • added the copy flag id button in the flags list table

    • simple ask from someone who wanted to know how to easily copy the id of the flag for use in the API calls.
screenshot of the copy button
  • added a sample js code snippet

    • when viewing the flag detail modal, you’ll get a sample JS snippet you can use as a live example for retrieving a flag.
screenshot of the view flag modal
  • added link to see more info in the docs on view flag modal for usage
    • super small, but convenient link as can be seen above
    • takes users to the docs in a new tab. That’s it.


In short, these are all quality, gold-plating updates. Designed to make it even easier for you to use and consume RocketFlag. Would love to hear what you think.

Thanks for reading all the release notes! That’s all there is this time around. If you find anything you need a hand on or just want to have a rant or help, let me know via the feedback form, or just email me. I read every bit of feedback and will reach out if I have any questions!

— JK @ RocketFlag