Deploy continuously, release safely.

Continuous integration & deployment doesn’t need to be a myth.

RocketFlag enables the release software features when the team is ready, not just the code.

If releasing code is scary, then feature flags are for you. Releasing code changes to production should be a boring, non-event that happens multiple times per day.

Turn on (or off!) changes for one user, half your users or everyone in one click.

Feature Flags

Fast Feature Flagging

RocketFlag is the affordable, lightning fast, feature-flagging tool your team needs to confidently deliver software to your customers.

Projects and environments and settings oh my!

Manage multiple projects and environments

RocketFlag makes it easy to manage multiple projects and you can segregate your flags by environments.

Easy to use

Simple, intuitive interface

The user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up feature flags and the API makes it easy to setup and consume feature flags in your application. We've even got an SDK to make it effortless.

RocketFlag is version 1.0

At it’s core, RocketFlag is a feature flagging (toggle) system, and its purpose is to be free to solve the problem of enabling teams to release faster, and more often. I’d love to hear what you think about RocketFlag. Give it a go, and please reach out to me with any questions.

Everything you need


For the developer who needs feature flags to release software confidently.

  • Unlimited feature flags
  • Unlimited requests
  • 3 Projects / Environments
  • Be open to providing me feedback about RocketFlag
  • Basic Support
Let's go

Support the project

$5 /month

or $49 yearly

For the developer who wants a little more from RocketFlag.

  • Everything in the Free Plan
  • Unlimited Projects / Environments
  • Support the RocketFlag service
  • Early access to features
  • Prioritised feature requests
  • Priority Support
Support RocketFlag

Get in touch!

Hey there, I'm JK, and I created RocketFlag, it's so good of you to stop by and check out the service. Let me know if you'd like to chat more about what RocketFlag is and how I can help you get setup! Say hello and let's chat. If you're from Perth, let's grab a coffee!

Let's talk